Can I Practice Sound Therapy at Home?

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When it comes to dealing with physical health problems, most people will head straight to their nearest healthcare provider for medicationto ease the pain. It could be that they need physical therapy or even surgery to rectify their issues. But what about mental health problems? And what about the physical ailments that tend to go hand in hand with mental health conditions? Is there a way to deal with these without resorting to medicine?

What is Sound Therapy?

Therapy at Home

Many tools can be used to combat mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, and examples of these include meditation, aromatherapy, and yoga. Recently though, sound therapy has become increasingly popular in relieving stress, reducing anxiety levels, and helping with depression.

Sound therapy typically takes place in a studio with a therapist who will use a variety of instruments to create therapeutic sounds that are designed to improve mental and physical health and wellbeing. In addition to the special instruments such as tuning forks, gongs, singing bowls, and chimes, the therapist might also use their voice to create tonal sounds or to chant a specific mantra. The idea behind the use of these instruments and the voice is that you not only hear the sounds but feel them too.

The experts at Maloca Sound say that sound therapy has many benefits and can be great for helping with both mental and physical health problems. It is a terrific way to boost confidence and increase energy levels, and those who practice it regularly find that it helps improve their focus and allows them to think more clearly. With many aches and pains often the result of stress and anxiety, sound therapy can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of those who participate on a regular basis.

Sound therapy sessions can be passive or participative, depending on the therapist and those taking part. In a passive session, participants will simply relax and listen to the sounds, possibly focusing on breathwork. A participatory session might mean those taking part playing instruments or chanting along with the therapist.

Can You Use Sound Therapy at Home?

If it is not possible for you to attend sound therapy sessions with a therapist as regularly as you would like, you might be wondering if you can practice it at home on your own? The good news is that sound therapy sessions are definitely something that can be recreated at home.

The most important part of creating your own sound therapy session at home is to ensure that you are in a comfortable setting which is free from distractions. It might be your bedroom or a den, where you know you will have time and space to immerse yourself in the experience. Some people like to use candles to create a relaxed atmosphere and will burn incense or aromatherapy oils.

If you want to create your own sounds, you will need to invest in some instruments, such as a crystal singing bowl or some chimes. Alternatively, you can find sound therapy recordings online. If you have attended guided sound therapy sessions with an experienced therapist, you could ask if they have a recording that you can use instead. Most therapists are more than be happy to record your session so that you can take it home with you to practice yourself.

If you have never attended sound therapy before and you want to try it before taking part in a guided session, there are online courses and tutorials available that will give you more information about what sound therapy is and how to create your own sessions at home.


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