How do I know if I have dry eyes and what are the solutions?

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One of the most common eye conditions treated by doctors, dry eye is an irritating and sometimes painful condition in which the eye does not properly produce sufficient or quality tears that lubricate the eyes. If left untreated, it can lead to ulcers, corneal scarring and even blurred vision.

People at risk of or suffering from dry eye often include those who:

Wear contact lenses, especially for prolonged periods

Take medications such as antihistamines or birth control pills

Are over 50, especially women going through menopause Have specific medical

conditions such as Sjögren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and collagen vascular disease

Those with eyelids that do not close properly due to structural abnormalities

Those who live in dry climates

Dry eye syndrome is particularly prevalent in desert climates such as southern Algeria.

Other signs and symptoms that commonly affect both eyes may include:


Sensitivity to light

A feeling of foreign body or grit in the eyes (gritty)





Blurred vision

Eye fatigue after short periods of reading

Periods of excessive tearing

If you suffer from dry eye, good relief is possible! Clinique Diar Saada offers a variety of treatment options for dry eye relief and the best solution is to see our specialists.

Treatment of dry eye syndrome

As a general rule, the first line of treatment for dry eye syndrome is usually lubrication with artificial tears. If artificial tears are applied more than four times a day, more treatment may be needed.

For more advanced dryness, a prescription anti-inflammatory treatment may actually increase tear production. Prescription dry eye treatment has been shown to improve dry eye symptoms and reduce the ongoing microscopic damage caused by this condition.

Ophthalmologists also often recommend closing the tear drainage system to increase tear film volume. The closure is made with a small plug, which fits comfortably into the tear drainage system. Placement of these point plugs is a quick and painless procedure.

Ask your ophthalmologist if you have a strong syndrome, the Diar Saada clinic team will give you the best options.


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