Psilocybin and psilocin magic mushrooms.?

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Magic mushrooms are mushrooms that contain hallucinogens, usually psilocybin and psilocin. Taking magic mushrooms can cause you to see, hear or feel things that are not present, anxiety, fear, nausea and muscle spasms with increased heart rate and arterial pressure. In some cases, using magic mushrooms can lead to “bad trips” or “backtracking.”

The production, sale and possession of magic mushrooms are illegal in Canada.

There is growing interest in the potential therapeutic uses of magic mushrooms and psilocybin, one of the active ingredients in magic mushrooms. Although clinical trials with psilocybin have shown promising results, there are currently no approved therapeutic products containing psilocybin in Canada or elsewhere . Clinical trials are the most appropriate and effective way to advance research on unapproved drugs such as psilocybin, while protecting patient health and safety.

On this page

About Magic Mushrooms

Short term effects of magic mushrooms

Long-term effects of magic mushrooms

Risks of Using Magic Mushrooms

Substance use disorders and withdrawal

Potential therapeutic uses of psilocybin

Access to psilocybin for therapeutic use

If you have mental health or substance use issues, Wellness Together Canada offers free and confidential mental health and substance use support, including counseling services.

About Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms have been used for thousands of years. There are over 200 species of magic mushrooms. Since many species look alike, it can be difficult to tell them apart. People may eat poisonous mushrooms mistaking them for magic mushrooms.

The active ingredients in magic mushrooms are chemicals called psilocybin and psilocin. As psychoactive substances, psilocybin and psilocin are controlled internationally under the  United Nations Drug Control Conventions and, in Canada, under the  Controlled Drugs and Substances Act(LRCDAS). Under the CDSA, activities related to magic mushrooms, psilocybin and psilocin, such as sale, possession, production, are illegal unless authorized by Health Canada (for example, by issuing license or exemption, or under regulations). Like all drugs, magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and psilocin are also subject to  the Food and Drugs Act  (FDA). Both psilocybin and psilocin are hallucinogens that produce effects similar to those of  LSD . People who use magic mushrooms are prone to hallucinations and an altered state of consciousness. Effects appear within 15-45 minutes and usually last 4-6 hours.

The effects of magic mushrooms, when consumed, can vary from person to person. Also, the potency of magic mushrooms can vary greatly. One mushroom may have different concentrations of active ingredients compared to another and therefore the effects of the magic mushroom may vary depending on the dose and type of mushroom consumed.

Magic mushrooms sold illegally can come in the form of dried whole mushrooms or powdered. People can choose to consume mushrooms in different ways, including:

eat them raw or cooked;

grind them, then take them in the form of tea or by mixing them with a beverage;

swallow them in the form of capsules;

suck them in through the nose (snort) when they are reduced to powder.

Magic mushrooms should never be injected intravenously. Cases reported in the literature have reported serious harms associated with intravenous injection of mushrooms, including septic shock and multiple organ failure.

Psilocybin and psilocin are also produced and sold illegally in powder, tablet or capsule form. Illegally produced drugs are not quality checked and may contain other dangerous substances.

Short term effects of magic mushrooms

Consuming magic mushrooms can lead to short-term mental and physical effects.

Mental effects

Magic mushrooms can heighten emotions and sharpen the senses, and people can feel happy and creative. They may laugh or giggle a lot, and have a sense of lucidity and emotional clarity.

Magic mushrooms can also cause hallucinations and affect people by:

distorting their sense of reality (they see and hear things that are not present);

mixing up their senses (they believe they can see music or hear colors);

altering their perception of time.

Some of the negative mental effects of taking magic mushrooms include:

numbness, especially of the face;

an increase in heart rate and blood pressure;

dry mouth, sometimes leading to nausea and vomiting;

muscle weakness and spasms, or seizures;

exaggerated reflexes;

sweating and high body temperature, often followed by chills and shaking;

urinary incontinence.

Long-term effects of magic mushrooms

Currently, no studies have evaluated the long-term effects of frequent magic mushroom consumption.

In people with heart disease, short-term effects, such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, could be dangerous.

Substance use disorders and withdrawal

There is little evidence that people can become physically or psychologically dependent on magic mushrooms.

However, it is possible to become tolerant to the effects of this drug due to regular use. This can happen after a few days of continuous use. In this state, even large amounts of the drug will no longer produce the desired effect.

Potential therapeutic uses of psilocybin

There are currently no approved therapeutic products containing psilocybin in Canada or elsewhere. This means that the safety, effectiveness and quality of products containing psilocybin have not been evaluated by Health Canada and have not undergone the rigorous scientific review process required to be approved. authorized for sale in Canada or elsewhere. Psilocybin is the subject of ongoing studies to evaluate the possibility of using it to treat various mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and problematic substance use. While some initial clinical trials have shown promising results, the evidence is currently limited. Clinical trialsare the most appropriate and effective way to advance research on unapproved drugs such as psilocybin, while protecting patient health and safety.

Health Canada encourages Canadians seeking support for these conditions to discuss the options available to them with their health care provider. Free virtual resources and services for mental health and substance use issues are also available anytime on the Wellness Together Canada site .


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